Draft Stockport Local Plan
A draft Stockport Local Plan (Local Development Scheme) has been published and approved by the Council to go for public consultation in September/October 2024. You can find the details here: www.stockport.gov.uk/stockport-local-development-scheme. The draft plan sets out the Council’s aims and objectives for future development in Stockport and includes policies that will be used to determine planning applications. This is Regulation18 stage in the local plan preparation process. Residents and other stakeholders will be invited to have their say and their views will be taken into account in preparation of the final plan.
“The Stockport Local Plan will provide the overall spatial vision and framework for the future sustainable development of the borough. It will address needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure as well as providing a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design. The Stockport Local Plan will, via the Policies Map (below) set out broad locations and specific allocations of land for different purposes; through designations showing areas where particular opportunities or considerations apply (such as protected habitats). The Local Plan will set out criteria-based policies which will form the primary consideration in the determination of planning applications.“
The discussion on the draft Stockport Plan at the Stockport Cabinet Meeting Friday, 19th July 2024 provides a useful summary, which explains why options were included in the Housing Topics paper that were considered and ruled out . You can find the 38 minute webcast here: https://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx…