Membership of Woodford Neighbourhood Forum

If you are a resident of, or work in, the Woodford Neighbourhood Area, you are automatically entitled to be a member of the Forum. You can sign up by completing the form below. Membership of the Forum is not onerous and does not necessarily require you to do anything. Membership automatically entitles you to receive newsletters via email so there is no need to complete the newsletter sign up form in addition to the membership form.

Management Committee
If you wish to be more involved there are vacancies on the Management Committee which meets at regular intervals. Any member of the Forum who wishes to join the committee would be more than welcome.
The constitution of Woodford Neighbourhood Forum can be viewed here.


Woodford Neighbourhood Plan

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Join Us?

Are you interested in supporting our work by joining the Woodford Neighbourhood Forum? Membership is open to all Woodford residents and anyone who works in Woodford.

You don’t have to make onerous commitments. If you are interested in joining us, then please click on the image for our membership form (it’s very brief), we would be delighted to hear from you. Thank you.