Woodford Neighbourhood Plan Referendum12th September
We are delighted to report that an overwhelming majority of voters voted Yes to the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan, so it will now be used by Stockport Council to help decide planning applications in the Woodford Neighbourhood Area.
In detail the results were:
Number of eligible voters: 1171
Number of votes cast: 452, which represents a 38.6% turn-out
Number of Yes votes: 433 (95.8%)
Number of No votes: 19 (4.2%)
Number of rejected ballot papers: 0
We have done better than average with this result. The May 2019 edition of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Neighbourhood Planning Newsletter provides the following information:
Over 750 successful neighbourhood planning referendums have taken place across the country.
The average turnout is 32%
The average ‘yes’ vote is 89%.
Thank you to members who have supported the management committee, including responding to all the various consultations along the way, attending AGMs and helping with flyer delivery.
The WNP now forms part of the Stockport Development Plan, See Stockport Council website here.
You can view the amended Woodford Neighbourhood Plan here.
Please click on the middle bottom right icon to be taken to a full screen flipbook version of the Plan. You can further magnify it using the far left icon.
Woodford Neighbourhood Plan
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