2015 Progress Report
The 2015 Progress Report has been compiled by members of the Forum Management Committee who have conducted a comprehensive analysis of all the data obtained so far from studies conducted by external consultants and from consultation with residents.
Our draft Vision and Objectives have been assessed against this evidence and adjusted where necessary. Detailed information about the evidence and analysis can be found in “Interim Analysis of Vision and Objectives 2015”. A summary can be found in “Annual Progress Report 2015” and all the free narrative responses to the 2014 residents’ questionnaire are here.
We should very much like to hear your views on any of the above information, you can contact us here or via our email address.
What does a Neighbourhood Plan look like? Good question. Take a look at Norley in Cheshire’ NP. Whilst Woodford’s Plan will not be exactly like this it will be quite close given that Norley is a Cheshire village in the Greenbelt.