Neighbourhood Plan Consultation and Evidence
Woodford Neighbourhood Forum Management Committee developed a vision, objectives and draft policies for the Neighbourhood Plan based on analysis of evidence gathered from a residents’ questionnaire, a business survey, landscape and environment studies and a number of studies conducted on our behalf by professional consultants, including a Scoping Report by Kirkwells Ltd, a Housing Needs Assessment by AECOM, a Movement Study by Peter Brett Associates, a Heritage and Character Assessment by AECOM, and a report by Cheshire Wildlife Trust. A draft Neighbourhood Plan document, with all the necessary supporting evidence, was prepared and submitted to the local council officers for comments. Comments from the council were taken into account to produce a revised version which was sent to forum members for review prior to Pre-submission Consultation (Regulation 14). Scroll down the page for links.
The Pre-submission version of the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here. Pre-submission Consultation ran from 16th May to 30th June 2018. It is now closed.
The Submission Version of the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here. Submission Consultation ran for 6 weeks until 7th December 2018. It is now closed.
Supporting Documents for the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan:
We are required by legislation to present the three following documents to support the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan:
Appendices to Consultation Statement which are separate documents:
Consultation Statement Appendix A: Xmas Card 2015
Consultation Statement Appendix B: Neighbourhood Plan Surveys. This includes the evidence documents below, plus: Residents’ Questionnaire 2014 and Charity Survey 2015
Consultation Statement Appendix D: All representations to Pre-Submission (Reg 14) Draft WNP
Consultation Statement Appendix G: Amendments to WNP Pre-submission draft for Submission version
Evidence supporting the Woodford Neighbourhood Plan:
The information and evidence supporting our policies can be viewed in the following reports:
The key stages in neighbourhood planning can be found here
Join Us?
Are you interested in supporting our work by joining the Woodford Neighbourhood Forum? Membership is open to all Woodford residents and anyone who works in Woodford.
You don’t have to make onerous commitments. If you are interested in joining us, then please click on the image for our membership form (it’s very brief), we would be delighted to hear from you. Thank you.