Woodford Neighbourhood Plan – History of Preparation

Woodford Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) -History of preparation

  • Woodford Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) was submitted to SMBC on 28th September 2018.
  • From this stage, the WNP process was a joint one between SMBC, but led by SMBC.
  • SMBC publicised the WNP and agreed to progress it to approval.
  • SMBC appointed an independent Examiner in consultation with WNF in December 2018.
  • Examination of the WNP was completed in April 2019.
  • The Examiner’s Report can be viewed here.
  • The WNP passed all the legislative requirements and was amended according to the Examiner’s requirements.
  • The WNP was approved at a series of Council meetings before approval at a full council meeting on 4th July 2019.
  • SMBC held a rererendum of residents in the Woodford Neighbourhood Area on 12th September 2019 at Woodford Community Centre.
  • 95.8% of voters said that the WNF should be used by SMBC in making decisions on planning applications (along with national and local authority policies),
  • SMBC “made” the WNP and it became part of Stockport Planning policy. See SMBC website here.
  • You can view the final version of WNP here.  
  • A flip book version of WNP can be viewed here.
  • WNF will promote implementation of the policies in WNP.
  • WNF is a consultee on planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area. the management committee comments on compliance of planning applications in the Neigbourhood Aread with the WNP policies. Stockport Council will make the decisions in the normal way.
  • WNF, working in harmony with the Woodford community Coucil (WCC), is also promoting aspirations for the village, which arose during onsultation with residents during preparation of WNP that could not be the subject of planning policy. They have been reported in a supplementary document “Woodford Village Aspirations” and include: promoting walking, cycling and use of public transport; integration of old and new communities; and promoting clean air.
  • The steps in Neighbourhood Planning can be viewed here.

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